Come have a blast while learning! Summer camp sessions at Marin Piano Studio are packed with fun and music! These 2.5 hour-long camps run Monday through Friday. A delicious, fresh organic snack is provided. Students may sign up for morning and afternoon sessions - if so, please pack a lunch for your child, as we will enjoy an outdoor picnic.
Summer camp themes for 2021 include:
Disney and Book Blast!
Disney Summer Camp
June 13-17, M-F
Mornings: 9 am - 11:30 am
For students ages 7-16
Throughout this camp, students will experience the music of Disney. By the end of the week, students will have learned all the pieces in the book and will put on a recital!
Students should be at least towards the end of their primer lesson book or beyond
Students may sign up with a friend!
Sample Camp Day Schedule:
9am - 10am learn 2 new songs
10:00 - 10:30 games and other musical activities
10:45 -11:30 review songs
Songs we will be learning:
Monday: “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” (from The Lion King) & “It’s a Small World"
Tuesday: “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious“ (From Mary Poppins) & “Winnie the Pooh“ (from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh)
Wednesday: “The Siamese Cat Song” (from Lady and the Trump) & “I see the Light” (from Tangled)
Thursday: “Do you want to build a Snowman?” (from Frozen) & “Scales and Arpeggios” (from The Aristocats)
Friday: “Step in Time“ (from Mary Poppins) & review all songs and prepare for the recital
Cost: $300 per session. Books and materials included. Min camp size is 3, max is 8. Students may enroll in both the morning Disney Camp and the afternoon Book Blast camp - if so, please pack a lunch for your child, as we will enjoy an outdoor picnic.
Want to Register for this exciting camp?
Book Blast Summer Camp
June 13-17, M-F
Afternoons: 12:00pm - 2:30 pm
For students ages 7-16
A fun way to Blast through your book! Learning and passing a ton of pages, students will finish camp with new skills, feel confident and excited at all the pieces they pass, and keep up their piano skills! At camp, students will: Learn the 5 best sight-reading strategies to help successfully play a piece on the first play through! Students will be cheering when they learn pieces super-quick, pass them, and "Sticker Up!" Tons of games!
Sample Camp Day Schedule:
12pm - 1pm learn & pass songs
1 - 1:30 games and other musical activities
1:30 Snack
1:45 - 2:30 learn & pass songs
Cost: $300 per session; Books and materials included. Limit of 8 students per session. All levels; all current and past students may join us for this great summer camp. Min camp size is 3, max is 8. Students may enroll in both the morning Disney Camp and the afternoon Book Blast camp - if so, please pack a lunch for your child, as we will enjoy an outdoor picnic.
Want to Register for this exciting camp?
Some of our Previous Years' Summer Camp Offerings:
Music History Blast from the Past (for 6 - 12 year olds) - Have a blast while learning about the history of music. Find out about 4 different music history periods - Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern. Crafts, guessing games, and listening are all part of this fun camp.
Musical Olympics Camp (for 6 - 12 year olds) - Bring out your inner, musical Olympian. Have a ton of fun while learning basic musical concepts. Play tons of games in this camp that are fun, involve lots of running and movement as the teams try to earn the top prizes! Many games involve water, so wear your swimsuit under your clothes or bring a change of clothes.
Music of the World - (ages 5 - 12) Students will have a great time hearing music from other cultures and learning about each countries’ musical instruments, landmarks, and animals. Find out about cultures that are different from ours – by experiencing the music and studying the instruments of other countries. We will "travel" to four countries, including Australia, China, Ghana, Peru and before finally heading back toAmerica!
Famous Composer Round-Up - Find out about 5 famous composers, hear their fascinating stories, play games, listen to their incredible music, do crafts and have fun! Each day we'll learn about a new composer.
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